Standard consultation


Consultations are a great way to determine which program(s) will best benefit you and help you reach your desired result. They also provide information about whether you and I are a good fit. It's important for us to feel comfortable with each other, to have a base from which we can build trust and openness in our working relationship so that the results you want have room to flourish. 

If you already know exactly the program/service what you want to invest in, please use the general Contact form.

To schedule a consultation, please complete the form below. Once I have received and reviewed your request, I will contact you at the email address you provide on the form to schedule your consultation appointment. Please allow a full week for response.

Standard Consultation times range 1 - 1½ hours. 

Consultation Request Form

Core4 Designed for You Consultation: $500 - If you choose one of the Core4 programs I design for you, up to $200 of your commitment deposit will be applied against the fee of the program you chose. Please review the page for complete details. BE ADVISED: If you choose "standard" or "basic" consultation (near the bottom of the form below) knowing you want a more detailed / a Core4 Custom Designed consultation, you will be required to schedule a separate consultation and will be responsible for paying full fees for both consultations. Thank you.

Basic 10-min by phone